A big thank you to Stephanie for taking time out of her day to do this interview! Make sure to follow her on Instagram @NotStephanieYet.

Q. What is your name and how did you choose it?
My name is Stephanie. It’s the feminine version of my birth name. I chose it because I’ve always liked the name and I felt it fit me perfectly. I’m told I made the right choice.
Q. Whose fashion or beauty style do you admire? Anyone in particular? Why?
I really don’t follow anyone’s beauty style. My style has evolved organically over time. I just follow my instincts as to what looks good on me.
Q. What do you find to be the most liberating aspect of being a trans woman?
For years, my thoughts were constantly occupied about being a woman. I refused to accept that I was supposed to be a female, and I felt guilty about my thoughts. Over the past few years, I accepted who I am. That acceptance was the most liberating thing I’ve ever done.

Q. How long have you been transitioning?
I began HRT on April 30, 2022.
Q. If you could have dinner with anyone famous (dead or alive), who would it be?
I see this question asked frequently, but I’ve never considered answering it for myself. If I had to choose one famous person, it would have to be Robin Williams. I was a fan and admired him for years dating back to his “Mork & Mindy” days. He had a brilliant mind to go along with his unique sense of humor, and to experience that over the course of a single meal would be delightful.

Q. What’s your favorite movie and/or book? Why?
My favorite movie is “That Thing You Do!” It’s a fictional story about a band who records a hit single in 1964. As a fan of the music of that era as well as being someone who played guitar in a band in my younger days, I found this movie to very relatable. Plus, it has Liv Tyler in it, who is adorable.
Q. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
I’ve always wanted to go to England. The culture, the people, the history, are all appealing to. Plus, English is the only language I speak so I wouldn’t have any trouble communicating with the locals.

Q. Any words of wisdom for other women that are transitioning?
As many people who’ve starting transitioning before me have said, it’s a marathon not a sprint. You’re making a decision that will change your life, for the rest of your life. There will be highs as well as lows. One day, you’ll look in the mirror and see the person you were meant to be. It may be a fleeting glimpse, but that person is there. That person is you. And, that person will return. Be patient.
Q. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?
I’m hungry. Can someone DoorDash me some dinner?
Q. Do you want to shout out your social media profiles? What’s your Instagram, Twitter, etc.?
I’m very active on Instagram. You can find me at @NotStephanieYet.

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